Mr. Ashraf Laidi has been the Chief Global Strategist of City Index Limited since January 2012. Mr. Laidi has been Chief Global Strategist at City Index (Holdings) Limited since January 17, 2012. His role is to provide expert market analysis to its global client base, the media and the company's key stakeholders, with a particular [...]
Marshall Gittler
Bloomberg TV, Londres, Speakers 2016
theforex 2017-04-17T15:50:10+00:00Marshall Gittler is a celebrated expert in the field of fundamental analysis, with over 30 years’ experience undertaking top level research of the financial markets. His career spans a range of elite investment banks and international securities firms including UBS, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America and Deutsche Bank. Marshall has most recently established himself as global thought [...]
Juan Colón
FinTech, Londres, Speakers 2016
theforex 2016-05-26T08:13:04+00:00Juan Colón, Co-fundador de Darwinex, el mercado que cotiza estrategias de trading. Licenciado en Ciencias Empresariales (ICADE E-4 / ESB Reutlingen) y master en Economía (London School of Economics. Desde 2000 a 2007, Juan trabajó como consultor estratégico de optimización de balance y gestión de riesgo para los principales bancos europeos con Oliver Wyman & [...]
Ioannis Kantartzis
Londres, Speakers 2016
theforex 2015-05-25T17:03:16+00:00Nació en Ottawa, Canadá y creció en Thessaloniki, Grecia. En 1994 se licenció en Económicas en la Universidad de Macedonia, Grecia. Posee un Master en Money, Banking and Finance de la Universidad de Birmingham, Reino Unido, y un Diploma en Económicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España. Además hizo varios cursos para especializarse en [...]